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Covid-19 Policy

Following the public health mandate by Governor Ivey and CDC guidelines, we have reduced services to urgent and emergency eye care only and postponed all routine care until further notice.

Although our office is operating on very limited hours, we are available to answer questions, arrange delivery of glasses and contact lenses, refill medication requests, and schedule urgent and emergency problem visits. To see some of the precautions we are taking to limit exposure.

A few of the precautions we are taking to ensure the health and well-being of the patients we are seeing for non-routine care during the COVID-19 crisis:

  • Limiting access to our office to only the patient being seen
  • Additional sanitizing procedures are used on all equipment, surfaces, and anything else that comes in contact with an individual immediately after use (including our hands of course!)
  • Monitoring all staff for signs of illness – anyone who is sick must stay home
  • Delivering glasses and contacts by mail or curbside service
  • All incoming packages and mail are also being handled with gloves and sanitized if appropriate

For non-urgent questions, you can reach out to us via email at

For more urgent situations, you may reach us by calling and leaving a message at 256-399-3398. You may also send a text to this number! You will get a response quickly.

If you need to order contact lenses, you can do so from our website. Just click the shop button. Your order will ship directly to you.

The health and safety of our patients, families, staff, and community is our priority. We thank you for continuing to support local businesses like ours. Together we will get through this. We miss all our patients and we look forward to getting back to seeing you all very soon!


– Dr. King and the Vision Source RBC Team